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Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway

* Have you ever heard this  name befeor? or maybe you knew some few information about this persone? 

   For more extra information about this amazing man follow us on this intresting article to descover more about, his life / his works /and his evolutanary style .....

   Ernest Hemingway was born in the United State espacialy in (OAK PARK), on july 21/1899. Ernest comes from a very conservative familly , both his parents were well educated ,

 a muscian mother and a physcian father , he was the first son for his parents , after years comes his little tow sisters and brother , Sunny , Ursella and Michelle .

    At his early life , when he was at high school , he was working a journalist at the officall high school news paper , writting articls about sports.   During World War 1, Hemingway moved from New York to Itally , to work with the itallian armey as an ambulance driver , for his hard work and good actions he received the itallian silver medall of bravery .

   After that he decided to come back home and to mary Agnes Von Kurowsky , a nurse at the red cross , who meet her during his millitary services and fall in love with her, but after a long relotionship she left him and get married with another man.  But for Hemingway , 
this was just the biginning , because he invest in all his life exprience and start writting wonderfull novels and short stories , he write " A Farwell To Arms " after he breakup with Agnes Von , he wrote also a list of short stories and novells  such as : " the old man and the sea", " the sun also rise ", " in our time ", " on fishing" and " the underfeated ".......

  Beside all this intrest Hemingway was also intrested on sports and journalist , he was working with a number of local news papers in The US ..... , this was just a small biginning for this incredibell man , who received the nobel prize of litterature , and become a turning point in novel writting style , " the ice berg theory" , in which he became a great influencer in 20th centeury novel . The arabic novel influenced also by Hemingway style .......

   After his long journey , Ernest Hemingway endup his life in july 2nd ,1961 comitting sucide .

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