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What is Schizophrenia? | Symptoms, Signs & Treatments‎


Schizophrenia is a serious mental disease, which work on affecting the way a persone feel/think, people with schizophrenia face allot of problems in personal as well as social life ; in terms of the way of thinking these category of people are not even able to deffrenciate between what is real and what is not ; in terms of feelings people with schizophrenia can not exprece their emotions in social life .

Actually the majority of people around the globe have a false judegement into what we call schizophrenia, in sence some of them think of it as been mentally ill / sort of maadness ; while some others think of schizophrenia as having multiple personalities .....

In contrary , schizophrenia is neither a mental madness nor a split personality , it is a mentall disorder , a situation of imbalance of the brain chemicals , the idea is clear ; schizophrenia is a normall disease like other types of disease , normally comes after a long sequence of reasons .

About this particular disease many scientifique  reserches and theories have been donen, to descover some of the main couses bheind it , or some of its nergative effects in human health , as well aq the process of  suatablle medical treatment .one of the most important resarches about schizophrenia as bellow : 

A team of scientist at harvad medical school  in Boston have discovered some few things that may lead to schizophrenia ,"first signs of  schizophernia may appear in adolacence ,and after lang reserches in these that found the reason bheind this may be a complement called (C4)".

After our long journey doing so many resarches to develope this particular resarch we have found some major schoking facts about schizophrenia as : 
1* 2.2 million of the american population suffer from hard schizophrenia     
2* majority of people with schizophrenia are lonelly and not violent at all .
3* some of the main symptons of schizophrenia are : long focusing difficulty in remembering and paying attention 
4* 99% of people with schizophrenia commiting sucide and addicted to drug and alcohol . 
5* 9 out of 10 young people suffer from schizophrenia .


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