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Interesting Facts About Miami

Interesting Facts About Miami

Interesting Facts About Miami

Miami is a  city located in Florida in United State of Amirca , you can observe the wonderful beaches that attract around 14 million visitors each year. Miami is the cultural Melting pot that entices the people from colder spots. Miami is the mixture of South American or Spanish Culture that mixes Latin Rythm and Cuban Cuisine. If you want to descover more, go through these interesting and amazing facts about this awsome city in the world ;

1. One Of The Most popular cities
Miami most populos  in the United States holding a population of around 5.5 million people.

2. Best Place To Enjoy Beaches!
Miami is the land of beautiful tranquil beaches. The Miami Beach is known as America’s Rivier and the Latin Hollywood. 

3. First City  to be Founded By A Woman
 Miami is the only major city in the US to be founded by a woman (Julia Tuttle, called "the mother of miami"

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