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Interesting article on HALAL Meat!!

Interesting article on HALAL Meat!!

We have a very wrong understanding about the meaning of Halal slaughter. I was asked by a Non-Muslim professor once. What makes a meat halal? And I didn't know an explanation and I was embarrassed. But I gave a vague answer saying that we say the prayer before we cut, that makes it Halal.

Later, I came back and went through many hadiths and articles written by muslim scholars and finally came to an understanding. I am going to explain it in a scientific way so that InshaAllah in the future you will be prepared if anyone asks you the same.

Interesting article on HALAL Meat!!


Answer: It is the undrained blood that contaminates the meat, which makes it Haram.What non-muslim butchers do is completely CHOP OFF the head as a result of which the Connection between the Brain and the Heart is LOST hence the Heart stops Pumping/Beating almost instantaneously. Therefore there is no driving Force to PUSH the blood OUT of the body. As a result of this the blood STAGNATES in the veins and arteries and Contaminates the meat.

Scientifically Blood is one of the Best culture mediums to grow bacteria.Consuming meat contaminated with blood makes humans more vulnerable to infections and joint pains. (Joint pains because of high uric acid levels in blood)


Answer: We DO Not Chop off the head completely, instead we CUT the Main Vein (jugular vein) in the neck first. This vein contains venous blood in high pressure and it directly connects to the atrium of the heart without any interference. This method of slaughtering preserves the connection between the brain and the heart which allows neural transmissions to be delivered. This keeps the

heart pumping/beating until all blood is drained off completely from every vein and artery in the body making the meat PURE and thus halal. SUBHANALLAH!SO THE NEXT QUESTION IS WHAT MAKES FISH HALAL EVEN THOUGH IT IS NOT

 Interesting article on HALAL Meat!!


Allah SWT has created Fish in such a way that the moment it is removed from water the Entire Blood in its body is redirected to a part called the Epiglottis in its mouth which turns bright red thus indicating that the blood is drained and the meat is pure. SUBHANALLAH!!

 Interesting article on HALAL Meat!!

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